David Barszewski presents an overview of Tomberg’s Meditations on the Tarot.

Tomberg’s Meditations are a rich continuum of the mystical journey—uniting human will with divine will. The text, which is rich with spiritual imagery and symbolism, dovetails smoothly with the teachings of Yogananda in writing that radiates wisdom and inspires intuitive understanding. We will be using Tomberg as a tool to become more in tune with God by the methods of meditating, praying, thinking, and experiencing together. Tomberg, like Kriya, takes us on a journey of mystical experience where we are transformed by our union with God. As a consequence, we become co-participants with God in His work of love on earth. Reading of the text will not be necessary. Printed materials will be presented before each session for our prayerful consideration.

There is no fee for this class, but donations are encouraged.

Monthly Live Calls on First and Third Mondays

Class #1: September 16th at 7 PM ET